19-Inch Rack


Rack mount or allocation space for racks is available with our Datacenter

See reference conditions in the table on the right.

Service parameters may be adapted to your demands.

Discounts for 2 and more racks.



Rack dimensions, mm 800х1200
Rack height 42U
Manufacturer Rittal
Power 2 infeeds 16А each*
Maximum power Up to 3.5KW (5KW, 7KW)
Internet access Optional**
KVM On demand
IP-addresses 16
Installation fee 500 EUR
    Maximum Power up to 3.5KW 1200 EUR (monthly, VAT included)
    Maximum Power up to 5KW 1400 EUR (monthly, VAT included)
    Maximum Power up to 7KW 1700 EUR (monthly, VAT included)


* Power supply satisfies the necessary power.
** Maximum Internet access speed is up to 10 Gb/s.


Optional Services

  1. Customer’s equipment installation in accordance with the demands or the scheme suggested, including communications inside the rack.
  2. Controlled power distribution system with monitoring and power outlet remote control possibility.
  3. KVM for equipment remote control.
  4. Expert maintenance of the equipment.
  5. Rack allocation to the section with limited access.
  6. Video monitoring.